
WACC Partner Recommendations on the Implementation of the Global Digital Compact (GDC)

In September 2024, the United Nations adopted a “Global Digital Compact“ at the Summit of theFuture in New York City. The Compact is a non-binding international agreement that seeks tofoster collaboration between governments, technology companies, the technical community, andcivil society to help create a “an inclusive, open, sustainable, fair, safe and secure digital futurefor all” (Global Digital Compact, p. 1).…

Final conference of the project “Improving the Institutional Response to Human Trafficking”

Association "Novi put" held the final conference of the project “Improving the Institutional Response to Human Trafficking” in Mostar on 17 January 2025.

Open Letter to EU decision makers: Stop the Child Sexual Abuse Crisis now!

On this World Day for the Prevention and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence, we, a coalition of 77 organisations working on children right’s, urgently call on you to pass critical laws to protect children against sexual abuse and exploitation, online and offline.

„Novi put“ GMMP regional coordinator for the Central and Eastern Europe region

It is with great pleasure that we have accepted the role of the GMMP[1] regional coordinator's role for the Central and Eastern Europe region, after being the GMMP national coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014.

Eurochild Networking Convention "Fostering Rights-Based Solutions to Tackle Child Poverty and Social Exclusion across Europe"

Our representative attends the Eurochild Convention held Malta from 2-3 July 2024. Representatives from the United Nations, European Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Maltese Government joined Eurochild members and guests in the discussions on how to tackle child poverty and social exclusion across Europe. The focus of the Convention is "Fostering Rights-Based Solutions to Tackle Child…

Use the revision of the EU THB Directive to strengthen victims’ rights - La Strada International Statement on European Anti Trafficking Day

La Strada International welcomes the revision of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive as an opportunityto enhance the rights of trafficked persons in Europe. The Directive is an important instrument inthe prevention of human trafficking and protection of its victims. Ahead of the start of the triloguesexpected to be announced, it is critical that the negotiating institutions ensure that the Directive in…

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.