Novi Put

Novi Put

Association “New Road”
Website URL:

WACC Partner Recommendations on the Implementation of the Global Digital Compact (GDC)

In September 2024, the United Nations adopted a “Global Digital Compact“ at the Summit of the
Future in New York City. The Compact is a non-binding international agreement that seeks to
foster collaboration between governments, technology companies, the technical community, and
civil society to help create a “an inclusive, open, sustainable, fair, safe and secure digital future
for all” (Global Digital Compact, p. 1). The idea for the Compact came out of growing concerns
about the risks of digital technology to democracy and peace that emerged within international
institutions some seven years ago. In response, the UN sought to create a set of common
principles that could help mitigate these risks and boost sustainable development efforts all over
the world.

Final conference of the project “Improving the Institutional Response to Human Trafficking”

Association "Novi put" held the final conference of the project “Improving the Institutional Response to Human Trafficking” in Mostar on 17 January 2025.

Open Letter to EU decision makers: Stop the Child Sexual Abuse Crisis now!

On this World Day for the Prevention and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence, we, a coalition of 77 organisations working on children right’s, urgently call on you to pass critical laws to protect children against sexual abuse and exploitation, online and offline.

„Novi put“ GMMP regional coordinator for the Central and Eastern Europe region

It is with great pleasure that we have accepted the role of the GMMP[1] regional coordinator's role for the Central and Eastern Europe region, after being the GMMP national coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014.  

Eurochild Networking Convention "Fostering Rights-Based Solutions to Tackle Child Poverty and Social Exclusion across Europe"

Our representative attends the Eurochild Convention held Malta from 2-3 July 2024. Representatives from the United Nations, European Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Maltese Government joined Eurochild members and guests in the discussions on how to tackle child poverty and social exclusion across Europe.

The focus of the Convention is "Fostering Rights-Based Solutions to Tackle Child Poverty and Social Exclusion across Europe". The event, co-hosted by Eurochild and the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, will feature 15 workshops and study visits.

More info at

Project "Improving Institutional Response to Human Trafficking"

From 04.-07.03. we organize two two-day trainings for representatives of competent institutions and civil society organizations, which aims to strengthen the capacity of all actors for more efficient and effective action according to the state referral mechanism.

The state referral mechanism is an institutionalized framework, through which competent actors fulfill their obligations to protect and respect the human rights of victims of human trafficking, by coordinating efforts with civil society. It is a process by which a potential victim of human trafficking is referred to specialized services and through which assistance is provided. The main goals of the referral mechanism are to ensure respect for the human rights of victims of human trafficking and an efficient way to provide the victim with access to available services.

The referral mechanism includes all competent institutions and authorized organizations active in the field of preventing human trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which act in accordance with the current legislative framework and prescribe procedures for dealing with potential and identified victims of human trafficking in relation to the detection and identification of the potential victim, interviewing the victim and case assessment, communication with competent institutions, determination of the type of accommodation and assistance, transport, accommodation and care in a shelter or other type of alternative accommodation, cooperation of institutions and organizations during accommodation, reintegration, rehabilitation, repatriation and resocialization.
This activity is implemented by the project "Improving the Institutional Response to Human Trafficking", which is supported by the US Government through the USAID/Inspire Human Rights Support Program. Program podrške zaštiti ljudskih prava USAID Inspire

Panel discussion "Women in the 21st century - increase in emancipation or discrimination?"

On the occasion of marking March 8, International Women's Day, we are organizing a panel discussion entitled "Women in the 21st century - increase in emancipation or discrimination?", which will be held on Thursday, March 7, 2024. at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Mostar, amphitheater Antun Branko Šimić, no. 12., Matice hrvatska b.b., starting at 11:00 a.m.
The panel discussion is organized within the framework of the project "Improving support for victims of gender-based violence and discrimination", which the association "Novi put" is implementing with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States of America (Department of State).
Alma Kozo, assistant to the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection, HNK
prof. Ph.D. Daniela Jurčić, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar
Amna Popovac, entrepreneur and activist
Moderator Abida Pehlić, association "Novi put"

Use the revision of the EU THB Directive to strengthen victims’ rights - La Strada International Statement on European Anti Trafficking Day

La Strada International welcomes the revision of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive as an opportunity
to enhance the rights of trafficked persons in Europe. The Directive is an important instrument in
the prevention of human trafficking and protection of its victims. Ahead of the start of the trilogues
expected to be announced, it is critical that the negotiating institutions ensure that the Directive in no
way undermines the rights of trafficked persons and affected groups, but instead strengthens their
access to protection and justice.

The entire statement can be read in the document below.

Інформація для українських біженців у Боснії та Герцеговині

Ви біженець з України?

Хтось зробив вам підозрілу пропозицію про роботу?

Вам потрібна допомога чи порада щодо всіх форм сучасного рабства та торгівлі людьми?

Звертайтеся до нас за безкоштовними та конфіденційними консультаціями!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

You are a refugee from Ukraine?

Someone has has made you a suspicious job offer?

You need a help or a piece of advice about all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking?

Contact us for free and confidential consultations!

Statement on the Occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Ahead of World Day against Trafficking in Persons, 30 July, we express our concerns about the shrinking space for civil society, including in the anti-trafficking field. We call on states, EU institutions, international organisations, donors, and other stakeholders to defend and promote civic space to ensure that no victim of trafficking is left behind.

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.