Novi Put Written by  Dec 06, 2018

Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton and Zenica Doboj Canton

In the period February-October 2018 the Association “Novi put” implemented the Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton (SC) and Zenica Doboj Canton (ZDC) with the Swiss Caritas with support of NGO Step by Step Sarajevo and NGO Leda Zenica. The activities included implementation of an awareness campaign on human trafficking among students at selected elementary and secondary schools in Canton Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton for a total of 113 students, 190 parents, teachers, school councillors and social workers. 2 seminars for 50 staff of the elementary and secondary schools were held. During the project implementation outreach work and street awareness raising campaigns were held in Sarajevo Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton.

The project implementation was closed by marking the European Anti-Trafficking Day by a street campaign in Sarajevo. All project activities were designed and implemented aimed at awareness raising and informing project beneficiaries about the issue of human trafficking, manners of recruitment by traffickers, ways for protection but also to empower them to ask for assistance in case of being exposed to any form of human trafficking. to empower them to ask for assistance in case of being exposed to due to the relevance of the issue of human trafficking, all project activities were covered by many electronic and print news media.

Novi Put

Association “New Road”

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  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022