The project is supported by the he State Secretariat for Migration (the SEM) and the Swiss Embassy. The beneficiaries will be informed about the phenomenon, risks and ways of protection. A minimum of 3,500 direct beneficiaries and 9000 community members will benefit from the project activities, through ongoing outreach work and face-to-face approach in the Project Area. Contacts with all relevant anti-trafficking institutions that are represented in Mostar and Sarajevo Regional Monitoring Teams for Anti-Trafficking will be regularly maintained aimed at exchange of information and streamlining of the activities. 100 lectures for 2000 students and 100 teachers, 4 round tables for 100 parents and 2 awareness raising events for youth on the issue of human trafficking and child abuse through internet will be organized. The students, teachers and parents will complete surveys for the purpose of statistical analysis to be carried out during the project and to gather concrete information from the grassroots about the current situation related to child abuse through internet and human trafficking. This analysis shall be presented to all relevant stakeholders and shall assist in drafting future strategy of “Novi put”.