
2018 Trust Conference

Novi put representative attended the 2018 Trust Conference hosted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in November 2018. The Conference gathered frontline defenders and human rights activists from across the world and was committed to fining real solutions to fight slavery, empower women and advance human rights worldwide.

Novi put participated at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018

The endeavours of Novi put staff to prevent and combat human trafficking and to advance fundamental rights and create more just and inclusive society were recognized globally and a representative of the Association was invited to take part at the Human Rights Defenders World Summit 2018 that was held in Paris in October 2018.

International Platform Expert Meeting on Human Trafficking

Representatives of the association Novi put attended the NGO Platform meeting, International Platform expert meeting and training on early identification, protection and safe return of victims of human trafficking that was held in Sophia, Bulgaria in October 2018.

HopeOn Regional Anti-Trafficking Campaign

HopeOn is a regional campaign that unites partners across the Western Balkans region who are dedicated to eradication of this criminal offence and brings attention of the wider public to this issue. This campaign is supported by the NGPs from Serbia (Unitas Fond, Atina, ASTRA), Albanija (Arsis, Different and equal, Qendra Psiko-Sociale "Vatra"), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Novi put and Nova…

Implementation of an awareness campaign on human trafficking among students at selected elementary and secondary schools in Canton Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Canton

On the implementation of the Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton and Zenica Doboj Canton in the period February 1 – October 18, 2018 The Association “Novi put” signed a Project Agreement with the Swiss Caritas on 1 February 2018 for the implementation of the Awareness Raising Campaign on Human Trafficking in Sarajevo Canton (SC) and Zenica…

Representative of the Association “Novi put” participated at the La Strada International NGO Platform.

Representative of the Association “Novi put” participated at the La Strada International NGO Platform that was held from 25 – 27th of October,2017 in Skopje, Macedonia. The focus of the platform debates, comprising plenary sessions and workshops was placed on the role of NGOs in the anti-trafficking field. During the NGO Platform discussions were held on common strategies aimed at…

Contact Info

  • Association “New Road”
  • Adema Buća 10, 88000 Mostar, B&H
  • tel:+387 36988022
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.